Secondary Education Programmes

School Assembly Roadshow

(Total Defence & Racial Harmony / National Day)

Resource Kit (Pre/During/Post Show for Discussions)

To help prepare the students for a meaningful engagement, a resource kit which includes the roadshow synopsis and suggested educational activities/content will be given to the teacher-in-charge.

Interactive Show with Student Participation [30 Mins] 

Through this interactive show, students will be able to understand the importance of each NE Commemorative Day.  Students are encouraged to be active participants and engage with the performers.

Total Defence Day

Learn to appreciate the importance and relevance of Total Defence and be invoked to think about issues such as future threats and challenges and how to keep Singapore strong and resilient. It would remind everyone that they have a role to play to better protect themselves from any attack and to safeguard our Singaporean way of life.

Racial Harmony / National Day

Showcasing our multicultural and inclusive society, the Racial Harmony/ National Day assembly roadshow aims to remind students of the importance of racial harmony and how we can play a part to build a bright future for Singapore as one united people. Also, it provides a platform to celebrate our achievements as a nation and inculcate a sense of belonging, in order for us to successfully face the future.

Learning Objectives

Total Defence Day

1. Reinforce the importance and relevance of Total Defence in view of current threats faced today.

2. Understand that in our roles we all have a part to play in Singapore’s defence.

Racial Harmony / National Day

1. Appreciate and reflect on how our diverse cultures makes us uniquely Singaporean and how we should come together to celebrate Singapore’s achievements as a nation.

2. Pledge together how we can contribute to build a cohesive and united Singapore regardless of race, language or religion.

Programme Details

30 Mins (Per show)
 Recommended Level
Secondary 1 - Secondary 5 
 No. Of Participants 
Whole school/selected cohorts

For enquiries and/or booking of educational programmes, please contact:

North & West Zones
Ariel Ong (Ms), Asst. Account Manager
Tel: (65) 9362 9675

South & East Zones
Rick Lee (Mr), Asst. Account Manager
Tel: (65) 9693 4955

Or email us at, our Education programme specialist will contact you shortly.

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